March 8 is International Women's Day. The theme for 2019 is #BalanceIsBetter.
So let's talk about gender balance. Gender balance isn't a woman's issue (or a man's issue) -- it's a business, and thus, societal issue.
As per the website,
"The race is on for the gender-balanced boardroom, a gender-balanced government, gender-balanced media coverage, a gender-balance of employees, more gender-balance in wealth, gender-balanced sports coverage ...Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive."
I agree and would add that as much as this discussion is about equality, it's also about opportunity. There have been (and often remain) inequitable opportunities for men versus women, boys and girls. And in many parts of the world, these divisions are deeply unfair and life-altering.
I think it's our responsibility as citizens and parents, employers and employees to consider this gender divide and remember to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to succeed and grow, develop and thrive. While we often discuss an issue like gender balance on a day like International Women's Day, I'm not ignorant to the fact that men are sometimes treated differently in some industries as well. This discussion goes beyond today. It is a collective change.
How will I participate? I will not shy away from jobs or opportunities in which I'm the only female present. I will strive to work together with all gendered and transgendered people in various projects. I will be vocal, and yet open to new perspectives, opinions and conversations.
So, if you're so inclined, take the Balance is Better pose and share how you will make this positive change. This future is exciting.
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